Toddler Program

12 months to 24 months

When you are a twoddler, investigating the world around you is what it is all about. The toddler’s day is filled with a bundle of activities such as music and movement, fitness, toys and filled with equipment that encourages exploration and discovery.

Toddlers are striving for independence and have grown into the mobile stage and are walking and discovering their captivating environment. We know that toddlers learn through play and investigation, therefore, we give them the space, age appropriate materials and stimulation they need to help quench their thirst to learn about their world around them.

Parents can rely on special, high energy, and loving caregivers to keep up with their toddlers. Our active, compassionate teachers comfort and guide each toddler through discovery and exploration.

Children are encouraged to use their bodies, senses and their evolving problem-solving skills to learn about and make sense of their world around them in the most meaningful and effective way for them.

Teachers balance individual instruction time as well as large and small group learning. During these times, children are developing their fine and gross motor skills. Children participate in group activities such as music and movement, story time, and yoga.

Whether it’s trying all the playground equipment or pouring cereal, our teachers provide toddlers with plenty of opportunities to investigate explore and play in a safe, secure, yet stimulating environment. Our unique blend of education and care meets emotional needs while promoting good social skills and learning.

Your Toddler’s Day Begins with warm and loving greetings by teachers
Language Development story time, finger plays, flannel boards
Morning Snack child friendly and nutritious
Arts n Crafts using a variety of mediums
Playground outdoor fun in the playground
Lunch served family style in the toddler class
Nap Time lights are dimmed, soothing music plays, comforting our sleepy toddlers
Afternoon Snack yummy and healthful
Music rhythm, songs, and dance
Playground More outdoor fun
Nature A mix of activities for exploration and discovery
Fine Motor Skills nestling blocks, puzzles, table toys, lacing
Gross Motor Skills ball throwing, climbing, balancing

Brooklyn Kids Academy